Are you interested in starting a CBD business, or selling marijuana and hemp-based products? Perhaps you’re already running a CBD or cannabis business and want to ensure your operation is legal and compliant with local regulations?
These days, CBD and Marijuana mean big business and many companies offer these products without a true understanding of the legal landscape. Gerard Law Firm offers assistance with legal compliance review. We help companies both start and operate marijuana/hemp/CBD businesses within federal and state mandated guidelines.
A knowledgeable law firm like Gerard Law can help you navigate the complexities and overcome the many obstacles you’ll face, ensuring that your bottom line thrives while your legal exposure is minimized.
While many businesses can be established and operated without the involvement of an attorney, businesses related to CBD, cannabis , marijuana and hemp are especially vulnerable from a legal perspective. Offering these products from state-to-state – and selling them across state lines – ranges from being legal, to somewhat legal, to entirely prohibited depending on the specific type of products and the regulations in the state you’re operating in.
There are many nuances and complexities to be aware of, plus laws and regulations are changing every day – as many more states recognize the safety and efficacy of CBD.
You need a knowledgable lawyer to keep you up to date, out of hot water, and in compliance with new laws and regulations as they arise. Contact us today for legal help with your Marijuana, CBD, or Hemp business. We can get you started on the right path so that you and your customers can benefit from this multi-million dollar industry.
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